Date Published: January 1, 1994

Lady of Life

(Dedicated to my mother Lillie Pearl)

You give so much love,

Blessed as she walks the earth,

Giving birth,

Bringing forward the spirit of God into this world,

Through all things see endures,

A tower of strength,

Fragile in nature,

Her love as pure as the lily,

Her strength as hard as the pearl,

Teaching the wisdom of her years,

Giving the knowledge shed from her tears,

Mama gives, Mama takes, Mama always lives,

Her words enduring though out time,

Remaining on my mind,

Passed to generations to come,

From generations that have been,

Your work to do,

You’ve done.

So vital to all of humanity,

With happiness in your heart,

And that beautiful smile on your face,

You’ve done your job well,

Thank you Mama,

My Lady of Life…………….

Written in 1994…..Dedicated to my mother…..My Lady of Life