Everything. This is a house I’ve built. And without Love, these walls don’t amount to much. I’ve learned to lay down carpet. Even gave the Den a new touch.
I’ve drank from the wells of fortune, found I still hadn’t served the Kitchen. Invited Love inside my Living room. Carried burden down hallways with the floors missing.
The windows didn’t seem to do much for my protected heart. They insisted on letting Love come in. Even when the basement became my refuge, I found that I had stepped down into Love again.
From the outside I looked at my House for Love. A heartbeat that I could not call my own. I asked, “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” Especially when I’ve built this foundation atop of stone.
I’m the Love I’ve sought after. I’ll build my way to freedom or be left alone. There I’ll see what exterior work needs to be done. Then my interior decorator will be atoned.