A Haiku of Shreveport Common


A fire destroys.

One day, hard work went away.

From the ashes, rise.


Light the fire now.

Inside, form the future be.

Ideas will rise.


Many will listen.

Hard work fulfills the vision.

Shreveport Common, rise.

A Favorite Festival


The lanterns hung high.

Spring is a time for color.

Oh, fun times await.


Dancers dressed up bright.

The street food snacks will delight.

All people mingle.


It’s a joyous night.

Let’s celebrate Asian life.

Together we’re best.

Shreveport Common Places


History for all.

Black businesses started here.

Joy Calanthean!


Families reborn!

Coming out of poverty.

Hope comes from good homes.


He looks at us all.

Curiosity is Art.

See his lights blink on.

Where’s my stuff?


This girl is driving me crazy.

My memory can’t be that hazy.

My car key sat right here.

I left and came back dear.

Now they’re next to the daisies.


You say this is a home of a ghost.

“No harm has come to anyone,” you boast.

She likes to play with your guests.

But, I don’t like this mess.

I might take my leave of you, my host.


Alas and woe, I can’t yet flee.

This mansion might be the death of me.

While I heard your ghostly tale.

She struck again and I wail,

Oh, good sir, have you seen my key?



Common is a place where we can come together.

Over time we’ve seen it grow and diminish.

Men and women of all races worked and played together in it’s heyday.

Moved away most people did as the city grew; leaving this place a shadow.

Opportunity needs to be seized.

Now is the time to see its glory revived.

Based on a True Story


In prayer, bow your heads with your neck.

Looking at the floor; the wooden deck.

But try to be aware.

One day monkeys might scare.

And cause they will - high holy heck.

Needing a Phoenix


It stands so quiet.

Through seasons people pass by

Silent it will be.


Great beauty inside.

The stained glass brightly colored.

Dust and mold surround.


Love the temple needs.

A place of joy it can be.

For now, it’s quiet.

The Organ


Push a key and live.

It fills one with life and dreams

Now great songs will sing.


The room is the board.

Air runs through bellows and pipes.

The sound will lift you.


Lively music - hear.

Let your spirit be enriched.

Smiles and tears abound.

My Hope


I sit on the bench.

Watching the Common grow more.

I hope for the good.


Winds of change coming.

I try to help, with my voice.

To spread the good word.


See what’s been done here.

Let everyone know. Cry out!

Come to The Common!