(Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.)


Have you ever done something, that you deeply regretted?

And for some reason or another, you can’t seem to forget it?

And no matter how remorseful, your apology may feel —-

The plague of guilt and shame, Is still right there on your heel.


Have you ever been robbed, or had your innocence maimed?

By someone you once trusted, and now you carry the shame?

And ever since that moment, your life’s been riddled with fear

And the plague of guilt and shame, shouts, ”It’s your fault” loud and clear.


It constantly torments you, infecting the thoughts in your head —-

Forever reminding you, of what others may have said.

With venomous thoughts of self, this plague inside your soul lurk —-

Preventing you from seeing yourself, as God’s commissioned artwork.


We're fearfully and wonderfully made, fashioned and formed in His image

The object of His desire, offspring of spiritual lineage.

 a New creation in Christ Jesus, heir of God and joint-heir with Christ,

Through Him, you’re more than conquerors, in Him, you’re a child of Light.


Chosen, before the foundation, in Christ, there’s no condemnation;

Par-taker, of His divine nature, a royal priesthood a holy nation.

You’re seated, with Him in high place, that’s where, you’ll spend your eternity;

 In Him, your life is now hidden, cause in Christ, you find your identity.


But due to Satan’s hatred, for God and all He does

His plan was to attack mankind, by stripping us like he was.

By simply changing how we see ourselves, from “I am good” to “I am naught.”

Against mankind’s self-esteem, came Satan’s hellish assault.


He knew if we could see ourselves, as evil – and not as good

We would never step into, God’s power like we should.

Cause we would be so consumed, with beating up on self —-

That we would never rise enough, to be of Kingdom help.


And the weapon that he uses, blinds us to his motions

and causes man to self-destruct, his weapon — our emotions.

See, first he’ll have you feeling, you have nothing left to give.

Then he’ll have you feeling, you have no reason to live.


He’ll even have you feeling, you have done something so wrong

That God cannot forgive you, to make sure your hope is gone.

Last, he’ll have you feeling, you’re not worthy to be loved.

Not by family, not by friend, nor by Christ who shed his blood.


So this is why we must resist, the plague of guilt and shame

Which causes us to hate ourselves, when Satan is the blame.

So if you have been bitten, by this carrier or host;

The cure is don’t walk in your flesh but walk with Holy Ghost.


And likewise, for this reason, Christ came and walked this earth

To destroy the lies of Satan, and reassure us of our worth.

By reaching to the out casted: the blind, the deaf, the lamed

The broken and downtrodden, the guilty — also the shamed.


He touched them knowing He would, nail guilt and shame, to the cross

And he came willing and able, to do it, no matter the cost.

He understood our soul’s worth, and gave his life to procure it

But none of it will ever matter, if we don’t fight to secure it.


  I don’t know ‘bout you right now, but Saints of God, I’m mad

To know Satan’s the reason, that I thought that I was bad!

 By infecting our souls with, his tormenting opinions

We have bought into his lies, and have not regain dominion.


So stand up to that ole devil, the bully of all mankind

And declare that you know your value, and you know that it is, divine.

Rebuke every unclean thought, cast down evil imagination

Give them no place in your head, and put on the hood of salvation.


Cause, Jesus walked in our shoes, and Jesus carried our woes

Yes, Jesus was also acquainted, with misery, grief, and sorrows.

So that, we could build a resistance, against the plague of guilt and shame

By remembering, it has been nailed, to the cross in Jesus’ name!



Written by: D.W. Barela