The Mercenary           

Before your first steps onto the pavement that leads forth

into the loud world where you are always on your guard,

you take a deep breath and she is locked inside your mind.

You are her hero, because you taught her how to smile.


Because today will be just as hard as yesterday

and all around you buildings crumble to the ground,

but still you walk on with graceful silence like a stone

and you will be there to make it right for everyone.


Waste no time looking back beyond the walls of your betrayal,

for you and I have fallen out of favor and there will be no paradise for you.

What will become of you? Will you shatter like a glass thrown in the wind?

Will you summon up the fires that ignite the souls of men?

A promise that is made remains unspoken: We will not be broken.


A gentle sadness pervades the silence of the room

where many wandered; it now lies empty like a tomb.

But in your memory the warmth will never leave your veins

and you must feel that on all these bitter, lonesome days.


Because today will be just as hard as yesterday

for those who walk on despite the warnings of the wise,

but what we must do, in this our time of desperate need,

it must be fought for, for we empower what we believe.


And for one, one shining moment there, I was there, back within your arms; it was quiet, it was warm. And for once, once in my life I know that I feel everything you feel; this is powerful and real.

And for one, one fleeting moment there, I was there, back within your arms; it was quiet, it was warm. And for once, once in my life I know that I feel everything you feel; this is powerful and real.

And for one, one desperate moment there, I was there, back within your arms; it was quiet, it was warm. And for once, once in my life I know that I feel everything you feel; this is powerful and real.


Waste no time, for today we abandon our misery

and the fear that keeps us all in captivity. We refuse to wear the shackles of this world.

Raise your fist and lay claim upon your life before its taken!

Let the sleeping god inside of you awaken

and the words of our revolution, spoken: We will not be broken!