seeing hooks
a trusting fish
hasn’t learned to see hooks
in shimmering worms
though she’s been warned
and wounded
many a fisherman
have admired her big mouth
and glistening body
as she’s preyed carelessly
on jesus bugs
did you know
mature male jesus bugs
could mate 30 times a day
if they could pin down
30 females
because the females resist
males use hooked antennae
to grab their lovers by the eyes
being eye-locked makes them
easy prey
especially to the quick strike
of a thrusting fish
a trusting fish thinks nothing
of consequences
she likes to graze the light and air
unable to breathe
it makes her feel new
every time
she’ll be caught and thrown back
caught and thrown back
caught and thrown back
but for now
she’s a trusting fish
who’ll never know
when the next worm she tastes
will transform
and finally eat her