You are my road without bridges
My book with no words
My vision without answers
My circle with no curves
You are my sight without seeing
My hope with no reason
My Fall without season
A road with no bridges
With you on the other side
Wanting me to cross
And the bridges you do hide
So a bridge I will build
Yet, time after time
Whenever I do cross
The road is all I find
A road to nowhere it seems
Yet, one I dare to tread
Filled with twists and turns
With no map by which to lead
You are my road without bridges
My song with no end
My love without loving
My sail with no wind
Be there a bridge left
Down deep in your heart
Build to it’s center
And I will do my part
We will walk in the lane together
Side by side ‘til the end
No one to be led or followed
Always together
My love, my friend