I can still remember the day that my mom and I stopped looking alike
That Friday came and stood right in between what we had together
Sweet ugly and that fact that we were both dying right on the edge of life
Well that’s until that day someone offered her the option of living
And like a fool, she jumped at the opportunity of life and beauty over me
So jealousy sunk in like an unwanted cancer that my body refused to expel, causing my heart to be blackened
And for the four years that followed, the bitter taste of death and the itch to kill never left me
I just wanted someone, anyone to feel what it’s like to live like me
But no, none of them were ever worth this glory
So instead, I spilled black blood upon white skies with blue clouds that resembled claw marks
As if someone on the other side was trying to get through to me
But all I had to offer them was this black blood, so that would have to suffice for the both of us
And it did
And if felt good, real good, to write
So this became an everyday game of catch, where I would splatter this blood upon their white skies and they were always so happy to catch it
Until I began to run out of blood
I was losing
I was leaving myself just as everyone else had already done
But that’s when they broke through to me
And offers me the option of living
And like a fool, I jumped at the opportunity of life and beauty
Now my mom and I look alike again
Because I too can now say
That poetry saved my life