
You had contract ðŸ–‹

You had control 

With the flick of your finger I paid the tole 

But when u cut them


The strings


I’d compulse to tie

For I thought it Be you 

But it was me who paid tithe 



I thought ,You had contract ðŸ–‹

I thought ,You had control 

With the flick of your finger I refused the tole 

But when u cut them


The strings,,


To the soul you could not buy

For I thought it was Me

But it was Him who paid the Price âœï¸ 

The sinless had to Die


Beware he’s a dirty dude, 

That author of Lies


 I just do my best now to walk in the Light


 but the dark side of old wears the scars that bUy


the trust of the unbeliever 


its the gift of Grace that the Son lay down His Life so I could keep mine.


I  once was son Of wrath

But by  the rod He straightened this lost souls path.