About Info
Loving art is a feeling of true emotion.
I can remember long days in the library while my mom did genealogy, my sister and I would draw to keep from being bored. I had a love of art.
In high school I had an art teacher I loved to see, because he had passion for art. I can remember my love of painting trees.
Over my twenties and 30s, I put a camera to my eye and found my true passion for photography. I love detail in pictures, mainly leaves, scenery, nature. I also have a love of poetry and writing. I wrote a childrens book “The Croak 500”. With no confidense I sat on it.
2010, depression and anxiety kicked in to a point I thought of no control. Going to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I wanted more to my life. So, my husband created my characters for the book I wrote, Ted and Raymond became in “The Croak 500”.
I always wanted to do what I loved doing. I love inspiring children and writing about how they can be better by doing better and helping others.
In 2020, my biggest fan passed away, my dad. He was my cheerleader, my best friend. Again depression and life getting to me, i wanted better. But, to get myself back to loving me and out of depression I simply started painting.
My sunflower picture was my turning point. Mar 23, 2021, my life forever changing. I believe in myself. I can Express me and love me.
And this is the beginning of a great book… to be continued…
I have been a self published children’s book writer since 2011. Published books are located on www.thecroak500.com
I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Independence University in 2017.
I have made logos, book cover arts, and more for several clients.