Have you ever wondered, around this time of the year,
When everyone is so full of encouragement and cheer, saying “Happy New Year!”
But Is there anything to really be happy for?
Especially when you turn on the TV and all you see and hear
are wars, rumors of wars, chaos and fears.
Think about it, we have political wars, religious wars, racial wars, gender wars, legal wars, corporate wars and cyber wars and what it all really boils down to, is one gigantic financial war.
We see helplessness, hopelessness, homelessness — Pestilence, violence and deviance.
We see an increase of political, spiritual and judicial corruption, financial abruptions and mental disruption – like ADD, GAD, OCD, BPD, PTSD and around this time of the year, the ever clinging, ever gripping, SAD.
We see, extended toward our young and old, orphans and widows, the hurting hands of abuse and misuse that makes them feel like unwanted refuse.
We see fraudulent democracy and religious hypocrisy and wonder why the people turn to apostasy.
We see support of perversion on the rise, while support of Christian morals, on a downward slide.
We see people killing people, for sport, like it’s some kind of video game of some sort.
We see wealth isolation, natural devastation and human exploitation.
Whoever thought, on US soil in Bossier City Louisiana, in 2014, we’d be hearing of human trafficking.
We see Global Unrest, violent protest…..I’ve made my point …. You get the jest… so need I say more …. Is there really anything to be happy for?
Well I guess it’s alI really a matter of perspective you see,
Have a Happy New Year is a word of encouragement,
from me to you and you to me, but it’s in no way a guarantee.
A Happy New Year, is something we must all work at constantly.
Something we should be in earnest pursuit of,
with all of our strength and labor of love.
So don’t think just because your neighbor shouts tonight “Happy New Year!”
It’s going to just, POOF, magically appear. No my brethren, It’s just a simple little cheer.
But It can jump start your hopes and your passions anew,
Cause in the New Year, we’ll have much work to do.
It’s a cheer of excitement, while you’re waiting at the gate,
to jump start your courage, your dreams, your faith.
Faith in the supernatural and guidance divine,
That the New Year may bring for your life and mine.
Faith in forgiveness, holiness, righteousness — faith in reverence and patience and goodness,
Faith in all that He said he will do, faith in the New Year, that it will come true
Courage to step out and face every giant,
Regardless of whether loved ones are reliant.
Courage to win, to loose, to dare – courage to live, to love, to care.
Courage to set a new precedence — in 2015, be the difference.
Dream vivid dreams and as big as you can.
Don’t let them be stolen by negative man.
Dream of promotion, of school, of success – dream of being VENTURE capitalists
Dream dreams so big that no one can perceive — so in 2015, they will HAVE to believe.
Hope for a future financially secure,
Although your present dictates you are poor.
Hope for a person, a people, a nation.
Hope for a shepherd and his congregation.
Hope for a world so sinfully lost — may in 2015, we return to the cross.
Passion for living this life to the fullest.
Dock every port, live like a tourist.
Passion for prayer, your purpose, his call.
Passion to die trying to fulfill them all.
Passion to linger and long for his presence — in 2015, may we learn His love lessons.
So, as you SIT under the SOUND of my VOICE,
BY your own STRENGTH and BY your own CHOICE.
We DO have A LOT to be happy FOR,
Regardless of FEARS … of chaos …. of WARS.
CAUSE although you may THINK this year was the WORST — 2014, didn’t end in a HEARSE!
So, see all the negative global events,
And all the struggles you’ll come up against,
As a divine opportunity and also a sign,
That God is not done with your life and mine.
Cause there’s SO much more that REMAINS to be seen — so in 2015, we must intervene.
We must Hope for the hopeless, comfort the abused.
Speak for the orphans, enlighten the confused.
Reach for the hurting, preach to the lost.
Give to the poor, reignite heaven’s cause.
By sharing His love and displaying his power — in 2015, may we rise to the hour.
Yet remember that when, it’s all said and done,
There’s really nothing new, under the sun.
And there might be a chance with the New Year’s end,
There’ll still be corruption and violence — cause sin,
from the FALL of man ‘til the EARTH’s renew — will always be present whatever we do.
So just do your part and wisely take heed,
By sharing your faith, your love and good deeds.
And SHOULD discouragement TRY to set IN,
Remind yourself, the Word says you win!
So on tonight, lets jumpstart our courage, our dreams, our faith — in 2015 Lets run out the gate.
And remember
Happiness is something we’re in pursuit of, with all of our strength and labor of love.