How To’s

Helpful LInks

Here are some links that take you to the certain area to edit your profile:

1. Update your basic information
2. Update your avatar
3. Update your cover photo
4. Upload works to your profile
5. Write up a literary
6. View your profile

The Basics

To make changes and to get your profile all set up click on the arrow next to your avatar in the utility menu. In the drop-down, click on “Profile Settings”.

This will take you to your profile settings where you can really start to express yourself. Once in the settings dashboard, you will see several icons:

1. Takes you to the homepage of the website (the global feed)
2. Takes you to your profile page
3. Let’s you edit your social media links (Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Instagram)
4. Let’s you update your profile avatar
5. Let’s you update your cover photo
6. Log’s you out of your profile

Next, to update and edit your basic information such as your name, artist statement, resume, education, etc. click on the “Profile Settings” tab then click on “Base”. This base information with show up in the “Info” section on your profile.

When you are done editing be sure to save your changes by clicking on the green “Save Changes” button.

Getting To Your Profile

When you log in you will be redirected the backend dashboard of the website. You actually won’t spend too much time back here, most of the activities you will be doing will be on the front end.

To get to your profile, so you can start working on it, locate the site title button in the top left labeled “SRAC”. Hover over it then click on “Visit Site”. This will take you to the front end.

Once there click on “My Profile” and you are there!

Below are some images to help guide you along:

Editing Your Showcase

You can access the Profile Widget Settings by clicking on the arrow next to your avatar on the utility bar, then click on “Widgets Settings”. Profile widgets are the individual sections that will make your profile unique and interesting.

The profile widgets include the following:

About Me - The section on the right sidebar that tells the world a little about who you are
Skills - A bar graph section where you showcase your best skills (out of 100%)
Portfolio - A section for you to showcase your art (images only)
Slideshow - Another great way to showcase your art as a moving carousel of images
Services - A section to talk more about what you can offer others
Literary - This is where you can write down short stories, poems or whatever you would like. You can also attach an image and a link.
Quote - Display any quote you like here
Link - This can be a link to your personal website or anything else
Video - A section to house any video you would like to show up on your profile

Creating a Literary

To write up and create a literary post we must utilize the back-end of WordPress. But don’t worry it’s pretty easy. First you will need to get to the back-end of the website to write up and publish your post. To do this simply click on “Upload Literary” on your profile menu or click here. Then follow the steps below to create your literary post:

1. There is a spot to put in the title and the body text of the literary.

2. Also, on the right hand side be sure to check “Literary” under the Category section.

3. Once you have the title and body done click on “Publish” on the right sidebar area to publish your post. Next, we have to display the post on your profile. This will publish your post and will automatically be added to your “Recent Literaries” section in the sidebar of your profile.

To exit the backend and add a Literary to your Literary Showcase Widget

4. Hover over “SRAC” in the top left and click on “Visit Website”. This will take you to the front-end.

5. Go to your profile and next to your avatar click on the drop-down then click on “Widget Settings”.

6. In the widget settings click on “Literary” in the left sidebar.

7. Finally, you will see the field labeled “Post, Choose your post”. This field is a dropdown of all the posts you have created in the back-end. You can choose the post you want to display the save your changes.

Below are some images to help guide you along.

Accordion Module (FAQ)

The accordion module is a great way to consolidate information within a single system. Accordions are very similar to tabs, except that the items are displayed within a vertical list. When a new item within the list is opened, the previously-opened item is closed and the new item’s content is displayed.

How To Add An Accordion Module To Your Page

Before you can add a accordion module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder’s modules. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. You can also click the Use Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. If you are starting a new page, don’t forget to add a row to your page first. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi’s row and section elements.

Locate the accordion module within the list of modules and click it to add it to your page. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type the word “accordion” and then click enter to automatically find and add the accordion module! Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module’s list of options. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced.

Person Module

The Person Modules is the best way to create a personal profile block. This is a great module to use on About Me or Team Member pages where you want to create a bio of individual people. This module combined text, imagery and social media links into a single, cohesive module.

How To Add A Person Module To Your Page

Before you can add a person module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder’s modules. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. You can also click the Use Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. If you are starting a new page, don’t forget to add a row to your page first. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi’s row and section elements.

Locate the person module within the list of modules and click it to add it to your page. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type the word “person” and then click enter to automatically find and add the person module! Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module’s list of options. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced.