How To’s
Helpful LInks
Here are some links that take you to the certain area to edit your profile:
1. Update your basic information
2. Update your avatar
3. Update your cover photo
4. Upload works to your profile
5. Write up a literary
6. View your profile
The Basics
Access Your Profile
Editing the Showcase
Creating Literary
Portfolio Settings
The Basics
To make changes and to get your profile all set up click on the arrow next to your avatar in the utility menu. In the drop-down, click on “Profile Settings”.
This will take you to your profile settings where you can really start to express yourself. Once in the settings dashboard, you will see several icons:
1. Takes you to the homepage of the website (the global feed)
2. Takes you to your profile page
3. Let’s you edit your social media links (Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Instagram)
4. Let’s you update your profile avatar
5. Let’s you update your cover photo
6. Log’s you out of your profile
Next, to update and edit your basic information such as your name, artist statement, resume, education, etc. click on the “Profile Settings” tab then click on “Base”. This base information with show up in the “Info” section on your profile.
When you are done editing be sure to save your changes by clicking on the green “Save Changes” button.