Overview: (871 Page Full Color)

Through the simplicity of actual photos and simple explanations this book explains the true nature of small scale mining in Africa and South America: mining for minerals life style and how villages in Africa and South America can financially help themselves regain financial control in the developed world.

Through the simplicity of actual photos and simple explanations this book explains the true nature of small scale mining in Africa and South America: mining for minerals life style and how villages in Africa and South America can financially help themselves regain financial control in the developed world.

Developed countries use to develop things; now we broker every little thing. A good middle man is always good to have around, but a middleman should never have the helm because they are just going to sell everything. No matter how you slice it, if you’re not making it, you’re losing it. If you do not build it, you’re outsourcing it. If you are not growing it, you’ve already lost it.

After speaking with mayors and townspeople of many financially suffering towns and cities across America and Europe, a bold new concept is ready to be put into place. It is one that will use the richness of the grossly mineral rich villages in Africa and South America to aid these towns and cities. It is a win-win situation. The villages gain access to resources; thus, spurting growth and the American and European towns and cities gain access to valuable minerals.

The story is the same. Every town is waiting on federal aid that is either slow coming, not enough, is too late, or never coming. The town collapses and the people leave only to go and meet the same problem in the new town.

Every town has the same excuse of how they can’t invest in the extraction of village minerals or always quoting an outdated law or worse, the town’s people are too ignorant or prejudiced to see how Africa or South America can help them ease their financial woes. Every time I see Americans and Europeans hop on a plane working for some oil company to go and drill in Africa or South America, I can’t help but think that you can make the oil company richer, but you can’t do that for your town. The town where your children will grow up, just to leave because there are no jobs. Then, ONLY when you get laid off, you complain about how the oil executives are getting richer. You invest in the stock market, which has no guarantees; then, when the market crashes, your town’s pension plans, retirement packages, union funds will also crash with it. You place your money in a 401K, but just how safe is that? Just ask how much money has been lost there in the last 10 years and you think your children will ever see social security? Let’s not bet on it.