715 Elmwood Street
Shreveport, LA 71104
(318) 426-2696/[email protected]
MA in English, Emphasis in Creative Writing, University of Florida
BA in English, University of South Carolina
Grants, Awards, Fellowships, Residencies
Winner, Ferrol Sams Award for Fiction, for novel Lightningstruck, 2015
Finalist (one of five, 385 entries), Leapfrog Fiction Contest, for novel An Old Horse Named Troy
(renamed Lightningstruck), June 2014
Steelville Arts Council Writer’s Residency, Steelville, Missouri, June 2014
X. J. Kennedy Prize for Full Poetry Collection, Texas Review Press, 2013
South Carolina Poetry Initiative Chapbook Award, 2008
Pushcart Prize Nominee, 2002
Louisiana Division of the Arts Fellowship in Literature, 2002 ($5000)
Shreveport Regional Arts Council (SRAC) Artist Fellowship in Literature, 2000, 2007 ($2500)
Louisiana Division of the Arts Professional Development Grant in Literature, 1999-2000 ($500)
First Place award, Panacea competition, Shreveport Regional Arts Council, 2004 ($750)
Books (novel)
Lightningstruck, 2015 Ferrol Sams Award for Fiction, Mercer University Press, 2016 (forthcoming).
Books (poems)
The Garden of the Fugitives, 2013 X. J. Kennedy Prize, Texas Review Press, 2014.
Sleeping with Animals, Yellow Flag Press, 2013.
Dirt Eaters, South Carolina Poetry Initiative Prize, Stepping Stones Press, 2009.
Anthologies (poems)
“At Stonewall” and “Lunar Eclipse,” Hard Lines:Rough South Poetry, ed. Daniel Cross Turner and
William Wright, U of South Carolina Press, 2016.
“Migrant Worker,” “Sleeping with Animals,” “Mosaic,” and “Artemis,” Mediterranean Poetry (online)
Oct. 20, 2015.
“Dirt Eaters” and “Sister Josephine Tells Your Fortune,” Vision/Verse 2009-2013, An Anthology of Poetry from the Vision/Verse Art and Poetry Exhibits, ed. J. Bruce Fuller and Erica McCreedy,
Yellow Flag Press, 2013.
“Dirt Eaters,” “Sideshow,” “Resurrection: Ivorybill,” The Southern Poetry Anthology, Vol. IV: Louisiana,
ed. William Wright, Texas Review Press, 2011.
"Mosaic," Knowing Stones: Poems of Exotic Places, ed. Maureen Tolman Flannery, John Gordon Burke,
- Poems
“The Gardener,” Southern Humanities Review (forthcoming).
“Fixing Junior,” South Carolina Review, 48: 1 (Fall 2015).
“Artemis,” Lowestoft Chronicle,22(Summer 2015).
“The Lost Boys,” Verse Daily, “Poem for Friday,” Jan. 23, 2015.
“Migrant Worker,” Cumberland River Review, 4:1 (Spring 2015).
“Proof,” Cumberland River Review, 3:4 (Winter 2014).
“Daughter, 14, with Scissors,” Shenandoah (Spring 2014).
“The Harvest” and “Feeding with the Whale Sharks,” Saranac Review (Fall 2013).
“Second Story” and “Temple of the Olympian Zeus,” Illuminations (Summer 2013).
“Thanksgiving,” The Cortland Review, 57 (Oct. 2012).
“Pollard’s Rock” and “Hurricane, Cayman Brac,” Town Creek Poetry (Spring 2012).
“The Garden of the Fugitives,” WomenArts Quarterly Journal (Fall 2011).
“Restitution: Swallowtails,” The Texas Review (Fall/Winter 2011).
“Resurrection: Ivorybill,” Southern Humanities Review (Fall 2009).
“Sleeping with Animals,” Tar River Poetry (Spring 2009).
“The Legend of Petit Jean,” “The Trip,” “Pan’s Shadow,” Yemassee (Spring 2009).
"Dirt Eaters," Shenandoah (Spring 2007).
"Daughter," The Chattahoochee Review (Summer 2006).
"Daphne," Southern Humanities Review (Fall 2006).
"Cleaning the Garage," New Delta Review (Summer 2006).
"The Feast of Snails," Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women (Winter 2006).
"Ants in August," Southern Poetry Review (Spring 2005).
"On Cayman Brac," Sow's Ear Poetry Review (Spring 2005).
"Persephone's Crown," Iris (Fall/Winter 2004).
"Lunar Eclipse," "Ice Storm," and "1939: His Adoptive Mother," Bayou (2002).
"Sideshow," The Southern Review (Summer 2002).
"Yellow Dog," Slant (Summer 2002).
"Inheritance," Midwest Poetry Review (Spring 2002).
"Decoration," The Texas Review (Spring/Summer 2000).
"The Field," The Texas Review (Spring/Summer 1999).
"At Stonewall," "Housecleaning," and "Family Life, Louisiana," Louisiana English Journal (1999).
"When Time Stands Still," The Texas Review (Spring/Summer 1997).
"Rapture," The Christian Century (April 2, 1997).
"Hand Knit," Hodge Podge Poetry (Summer 1996).
"Carnival," "Vernix," "Dead Wood," "Lifeguard," and "Swamp," Louisiana English Journal (1996).
"November Dusk" and "Firefly," The Kerf (May 1996).
"Jeté," Visions International (1995)
"Walking in the Woods after Granddaddy's Funeral," The Kerf (May 1995).
"Wisteria," First Things (March 1995).
"The Victorious Ones," First Things (Aug./Sept. 1994).
"Take-off in Atlanta," First Things (June/July 1994).
- Short Stories
"At Aunt Charlotte's," The Virginia Quarterly Review (Summer 1987).
"The Burial Ground," The Virginia Quarterly Review (Spring 1982).
"Autumn Rains and Forest Fires," Sandlapper: The Magazine of South Carolina (October 1975).
- Essays
“Center Post: A Tribute to Smith Kirkpatrick,” The Christendom Review 1:1 (2008).
Professional Experience, Teaching
Instructor, Renzi Education and Art Center, 2005 to 2015
Creative Writing, Language Arts
Adjunct Instructor, Centenary College of Louisiana, 2007 and 2001
Advanced Creative Writing, Creative Writing
Instructor, Centenary College of Louisiana Division of Continuing Education, 1997
Writing the Short Story
Instructor, University of Virginia Division of Continuing Education, 1979-1980
Fiction Writing
Advanced Fiction Writing
Southern Women Writers
Instructor, St. Johns River Community College, 1978
American Literature II
Contemporary Literature
Additional Professional Arts-related Experience and Activities “House of Poetry:” Workshops, Armstrong Browing Library, Baylor University, Waco, TX, Apr. 6, 2016 Workshop and Poetry Reading, Steelville Arts Council, June 2014 Board of Directors, Algur Meadows Museum, Chair Program Committee, 2011-present Literacy Volunteers: ESL Tutor Centenary College, 1999-2012
Numerous State and Regional Readings sponsored by SRAC, the Louisiana Library Association, Yellow
Flag Press, the University of South Carolina, Centenary College, Louisiana State University (Shreveport), and Bossier Parish Community College, 2000-present
Fiction Writing Workshop, Louisiana Library Association Conference, LSUS, March 2008
Shreveport Regional Arts Council (SRAC) Artspace Exhibition Committee, 2005-2008
Artspace Faces of Katrina Exhibit, Fall 2006
Artspace Advisory Board, 2005-2006
Literary Curator/Workshop Facilitator, Arts in the Edge (SRAC), March 2003
Highway Haiku Participant, 2003-2005
Sewanee Writers' Conference (Poetry), July 2002
Fiction Writing Workshop, First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, Spring 2002
Board Member, La JAZDANZ (non-profit professional contemporary dance company), Shreveport, 1996-2000; Board President, 1996-1997
Writers' Guild of Acadiana Conference (Poetry Workshop Instructor), Lafayette, LA, 1998
River Cities Writers' Conference (Fiction Workshop Instructor), Shreveport, LA, October 1996
"Building Literary Bridges" (Poetry Reading/Workshop Instructor), LSU-Alexandria, September 1996
"Building Literary Bridges" (Poetry Reading/Workshop Instructor), LSU-Eunice, April 1996
South Central Conference on Christianity and Literature (Poetry Reading), Centenary College of
Louisiana, Shreveport, LA, 1995
Fiction Reader, The Virginia Quarterly Review, 1979-1986