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Performing Arts
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Discipline Admin
Casey Jones

Performing artists with a Specialty in Theatre

Performing Arts
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Discipline Admin
Casey Jones
  • Spoken Word
    Started by ML Dumars -Live with passion. Wednesday, 05 April 2017 1 Reply

    Mr Dumars:
    Storytelling and the National Endowment for the Arts --
    A Request from the National Storytelling Network
    Executive Summary
    For the past two years, the Arts Recognition Task Force of the National Storytelling Network has been in
    correspondence with various state arts agencies and subsequently with members of the National
    Standards Revision Working Group. We are aware of the significant effort, the procedures, and the
    potential financial difficulties involved in making changes at the NEA level, but we believe that our
    request is urgent, timely, and strongly relevant to the NEA Strategic Plan for FY 2012-2016.
    The Problem
    Despite the fact that the work of storytellers contributes significantly toward the goals of Art Works for
    America, the National Endowment for the Arts Strategic Plan FY 2012 – 2016,
     the art of storytelling is not among the core art forms supported by the National
    Endowment of the Arts in its programs and services; and
     storytelling as a fine art is missing in the National Standards Arts Discipline List used to
    collect data on arts activities nationwide and increasingly used in artist rosters and on
    electronic application forms that determine what artists and art projects will be funded
    not only by the NEA, but also by the regional and state arts agencies who partner with
    the NEA.
     As a result, fine art storytellers (the majority in the profession) work at an increasingly
    serious disadvantage. Their art form is not included in electronic grant applications and
    they are invisible to organizations, educational institutions, and presenters who work
    with artists. In addition, the work of storytellers is not included in data gathered about
    the arts in the United States.93 selected "I have theatrical training . . .”

    I use “I am a folk artist. . .
    I use "Literary Arts"
    "I am a writer. . . "
    "I create stories for oral performance."
    "I am an "Artist as Educators". . . " I was chosen by J.F. Kennedy Center to train in Washington DC as "Artist as Educators!" I have taken several of their workshops around the country if you ever get the chance then you need to join them and study with them. It is a marvelous program.

    Last replied by Myra Davis on Monday, 10 July 2017