Currently in the works...
Discussion started by D.L. Holmes 4 years ago
What is everybody currently working on?
Is it a novel?
A screenplay?
Is it a science fiction/fantasy epic?
Or is it a noir drama that takes place in a not to distant future?
Currently a Gothic Horror version of Scooby Doo is in the works, but we'll see if it stays that way as the story comes to a close.
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Frank Salas Montellano
I am working on several projects. First, I am always working on short pieces of fantasy. The one that intrigues me the most is about what happens when ghosts disappear. As I putter with those I am also putting together a short story collection of 13 finished/previously released short stories. And finally I am continuing work on a long-term project that will hopefully end as a three-book series somewhere down the road.
2 years ago