Dianne Gosslee
About Artist
Basic Information
Artist Statement
Life is art expressed in a multitude of modalities of creativity. The creative process can be observed in all aspects of nature, especially human nature. Creativity lies at the essence of who we are.
When we become conscious of the divine muse passing through us, we begin to honor a quiet fallow space within, to incubate inspiration. As we begin to listen with the ears of our hearts, we can express this experience of Grace through art. Awe and gratitude for beauty in life overflow into playful artistic expressions.
We are all co-creators of our evolving reality with every choice we make. When we co-create in a community of love, there is a sense of awe in relationship with some Universal Creative Energy Force. True artists do their work out of love. Art can be experienced as symbolic expressions of the soul.
As a retired professional counselor, spiritual director, and daily practitioner of contemplative prayer, I have learned to listen with ears of my heart to the language of soul and create art in eclectic styles and modalities. Painting with oil colors on canvas is my favorite way to play.
By Dianne Pendergrass Gosslee
As I review my life through the eyes of an artist, I realize that my most creative act was being conceived by 2 loving parents, James and Sybil Pendergrass. After I developed my ancestral DNA in my mother’s nurturing womb, I was birthed into the cradle of rhythm and blues in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 4, 1950 as the 2nd child in my family.
My childhood play was quite imaginative as I danced to soul music and made up theatrical performances with my friends. I began to sew costumes for my friends, my dolls, and myself. I continued to refine my skills in performing arts throughout high school as I performed with Leah Brandon Dance Company and in numerous high school theatrical productions.
When time came to attend college, my parents continually reminded me, that I could never make a living in the arts, and was advised to stop my play and get serious about a career. I gave up my dream of moving to New York and attended LSU in Baton Rouge. In 1971, I received a BS degree in secondary education, certified to teach high school mathematics and speech/theatre arts. I married my husband (now of 49 years), and was hired by the Baton Rouge School Board to teach mathematics. Little did I know that higher math was really creative expression of abstract concepts using symbolic language to balance equations in the pursuit of truth. My husband was working for Xerox and running his own photography business on the side. Our 1st son, Brad, was born in Baton Rouge in 1974. I continued to use my sewing skills to create our living space and design original clothing.
In 1976, we moved to Shreveport, where my 2nd son, Jeffrey, was born. I stopped teaching and joined my husband in a photography career. In 1978, my daughter, Krista, was born. I couldn’t wait to create “girly” clothes. I smocked dresses and created bonnets, which she refused to wear; so, I gave into her unique design of Kawasaki blue jeans and superhero tee shirts. I continued to work in photography and practice storytelling with my children at bedtime. In 1986, I decided to join a women’s painting class, mentored by Camille Hirsch. I continued to paint with Camille until 2018 when she retired.
In 1989, I completed a master’s degree in the Art of Counseling through Louisiana Tech University. I pursued post-graduate work in the Art of Spiritual Direction through the Catholic Diocese of Shreveport, Loyola University, the Jung Institute in Kusnaught, Switzerland, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Benedictine Abby in Pecos, New Mexico. I completed my internship, at the Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA, mentored by Monsignor Murray Clayton of Shreveport. I also completed a post- graduate certification in Expressive Arts therapy through Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, CA., mentored by Natalie Rogers, PhD, for 16 years. Natalie was the director of the Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Institute in Petaluma, CA. She developed a multi-modal group art therapy process called The Creative Connection, in conjunction with the Person Centered approach to psychotherapy of her father, Carl Rogers, PhD.
I began my career as a professional counselor in 1990 in Shreveport and continued my private practice until 2018, contracting my services with various institutions like Schumpert Medical Center, Highland Clinic and Hospital, Samaritan Counseling Center, Loyola College Prep, and Spectrum Pain Rehabilitation Center. I offered volunteer community service at the Catholic Center, numerous schools and churches, The Oaks and Glen Retirement Centers, Community Renewal and VOA.
After retirement, I wrote and illustrated a book called, Grandmother Milky Way Stopped Speaking, which has just been released. I still enjoy playing in numerous artistic modalities like painting, sculpting, gardening, cooking, sewing, creative writing and storytelling with my grandchildren and friends.
College / University
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